Shift Change at Tower 7


The success of an artistic concept depends on the depth and clarity of the narrative behind it. For this reason, I question, read, listen, think, and learn as much as I can, and then I create. The pieces here explore whether art can even mean anything any longer in a modern world so defined and dominated by The Image. When the internal life/light of human beings is so discounted and assaulted by the abundance of content/techniques/data/means, when our shared belief in the sacredness of “quantifiable progress” bludgeons to death our ability to perceive or even come up with words for true qualitative value in human life, what is our honest reflection? What can we honestly declare about ourselves collectively beyond humbly acknowledging that we’ve believed the lie of our own making? and beyond that we prove that we continue to believe the lie through our commitment to crude and naive ideas that the remedy for this crisis in human value is just better technology. This body of work is my commitment to honestly inhabit the liminal space of human life by doing whatever I can to capture moments of eternity, to provide a mirror for reflection, a glimpse of real value, some kind of means to orient ourselves amidst the technological anomie we’ve built up around and within us, for myself and anyone else who feels like they need it. These paintings are my Pictures From Life’s Other Side.